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Dynamic Graphics
340 N. Main, Fort Bragg, CA 95437
(next to Fort the Shell of it! upstairs)

Please allow plenty of time for
completion of your traffic school. 


Traffic Schools

Traffic Schools PRE-APPROVED
for Mendocino County

The Mendocino County Superior court requires that anyone who chooses "home study" (internet traffic school) must show up in person and present a drivers license in order to complete the program and earn a "certificate of completion." Either way, you definitely can avoid having to spend an entire day in a regular traffic school, bored out of your mind. (It shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to complete the final exam.)

Each course is different and each test is different.


Within 2-3 weeks after you receive your ticket, you should be mailed a notice from the court with details on the bail amount you are required to pay. There will also be information on your traffic school options including study-at-home, and any additional court fees that may be required.

The court payment process is as follows:

You must first pay the court bail amount and the court traffic school fees and send it to the court with your request for traffic school. Note: In some courts, you will pay your bail at the same time you return your traffic school completion certificate.

The court will send you a listing of traffic school options which should contain one of our web addresses.

NOTE: The court fee simply allows you the opportunity to attend a traffic school. Traffic school programs are completely separate entities from the court and an additional fee is required to participate.

Come in and take your test today!! No need to sit in a classroom all day when you can do the traffic school in the privacy of your own home, then take the test at Dynamic Graphics!
PLEASE NOTE: Testing takes approximately 20 minutes and it takes around one week to receive your certificate. If you need the certificate before that please contact the traffic school of your choice and let them know of your timeline. Certificates can be mailed, fed ex (over night), or faxed to the appropriate numbers/addresses.

Proctored by Dynamic Graphics

 Dynamic Graphics your traffic school proctoring center!


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